How to beat level 963 on candy crush saga?

How to beat level 963 on candy crush saga?

Candy Crush Saga is one of the most popular mobile games out there, and with good reason. The game is addictive and fun, but as with all things, it can get really difficult at times. Even though there are so many different levels in the game, some of them can be extremely difficult to beat. That’s why we put together this quick guide on how to beat level 963 on Candy Crush Saga! The article is brought to you by

Plan your moves carefully

How to beat level 963 on candy crush saga?
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The first thing you should do is make sure that you have enough moves to complete the level. If not, then it’s time to start thinking about using some of your lives and boosters.

Next up is planning out your moves carefully so that they don’t waste any precious time or resources in the process. Try not to use any colors that aren’t useful for completing this stage of Candy Crush Saga – especially if it means wasting extra moves! The best way around this? Special candies! They can help bring down large groups at once and make things much easier on yourself when trying to beat levels like this one (and others).

If possible try creating as many special candies as possible so they’re ready when needed most; otherwise, just focus on making matches with other pieces until everything falls into place naturally (which should take no more than ten minutes). Read now: Explore the Legendary Johnny Cage of Mortal Kombat 11

Make as many special candies as you can

To beat level 963 on Candy Crush Saga, you’ll need to make as many special candies as possible. The more special candies you make, the better! Special candies are a good way to get rid of frosting and can help you get rid of more than one color at once.

Don’t waste your time on the top two colors

This level is not difficult to beat, but it does require a bit of strategy. The most important thing to keep in mind is that the top two colors don’t matter at all! This means that you should never focus on clearing them first–they’re just there as an easy way to clear up some space, and they won’t help you get rid of any of those pesky licorice swirls.

The bottom five colors are also pretty unimportant; they’re just there because they can be used for combos later on when needed. Your focus should be on clearing out those middle three colors first, though–these will make up most (if not all) of your moves throughout this level and their removal will be critical for success later on in the game!

Remove all frosting from the board

To beat level 963 on Candy Crush Saga, you’ll have to remove all the frostings from the board. You can do this in a few different ways:

  • Use special candies to remove frosting if you have them available. If not, don’t worry! We’ll cover other ways below that don’t require any special candies at all.
  • One way is with striped candy matches or wrapped candy matches (if you use one of those instead). These will take out an entire line full of frosting with just one hit each! This method works best when there are lots of spaces in between pieces and few obstructions nearby; otherwise, it might be hard for these matches to land where they need without getting blocked by other pieces or walls around them.

Use the free booster candies before you start making special candies

The best thing you can do is use the free boosters before you start making special candies. This will clear out a lot of frosting so that it’s easier for your special candies to reach the bottom. Once all of the frostings is gone, try making as many striped and wrapped candies as possible. They’re worth more points than regular ones!

Beating level 963 on candy crush saga

To beat level 963 on candy crush saga, you need to make as many special candies as you can.

You should also try to remove all frosting from the board.

It is important to note that using booster candies will help you in beating this level more easily.


I hope you found this guide helpful. If you have any questions, please leave a comment below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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