How to Reset Pokemon X Save Data

How to Reset Pokemon X Save Data: A Step-by-Step Guide

Are you an avid Pokemon X player looking to reset your game progress and start anew? Whether you want to experience the thrill of starting from scratch or simply want to replay the game with a different strategy, resetting your Pokemon X save data is a fairly simple process. In this article, we will guide you through the steps to reset your game on various gaming platforms, providing you with a fresh start in the captivating world of Pokemon. The content is presented by

Why Reset Pokemon X?

Before we delve into the steps, let’s understand why players choose to reset their Pokemon X game. There could be several reasons for this:

  • Exploring Different Playthroughs: Resetting your game allows you to experience the adventure of Pokemon X with a different team composition or gameplay strategy.
  • Challenge Runs: Some players enjoy self-imposed challenges such as Nuzlocke runs or monotype teams, which require a fresh start.
  • Mistakes or Unfavorable Outcomes: If you’re struggling with your playthrough of Pokemon X and have made some irreversible mistakes or ended up with unfavorable outcomes, don’t fret! There’s a way to reset your progress and start anew. You can discover how to reset pokemon x by following a few simple steps. By doing so, you’ll have a chance to rectify any mistakes you may have made and approach the game with a fresh perspective. Good luck with your new adventure!

Now, let’s move on to the step-by-step process of resetting Pokemon X on different gaming platforms.

Resetting Pokemon X on Nintendo 3DS

If you’re playing Pokemon X on a Nintendo 3DS console, follow these steps to reset your game:

  1. Save Your Current Progress: Before resetting, make sure to save your current progress by accessing the in-game menu and selecting the “Save” option.
  2. Access the Nintendo 3DS System Settings: Tap the “Home” button on your Nintendo 3DS console to access the Home Menu. From there, navigate to the System Settings.
  3. Data Management: Within the System Settings, locate and select “Data Management.”
  4. Nintendo 3DS: In the Data Management menu, choose “Nintendo 3DS.”
  5. Software: Select “Software” to access a list of all your installed games.
  6. Pokemon X: Scroll through the list and find Pokemon X. Tap on it to reveal additional options.
  7. Delete Save Data: Within the options for Pokemon X, choose “Delete Save Data.” Confirm your selection when prompted.

Congratulations! Your Pokemon X game data has been successfully reset on the Nintendo 3DS console.

Resetting Pokemon X on EmulatorsHow to Reset Pokemon X Save Data

If you’re playing Pokemon X on an emulator, the process of resetting the game may vary slightly depending on the emulator you’re using. Here’s a general guide:

  1. Create a Backup: Before resetting, create a backup of your current save data, just in case you want to restore it later. Look for the save file within the emulator’s file system and make a copy of it.
  2. Access Emulator Options: Within the emulator interface, locate the options or settings menu.
  3. Reset or Delete Save Data: Look for an option related to save data management. This can vary depending on the emulator, but it might be labeled as “Reset Game,” “Delete Save Data,” or something similar.
  4. Confirm Action: When prompted to confirm the action, proceed with resetting the game data.

Please note that the steps may differ slightly based on the emulator you’re using. Consult the emulator’s documentation or online forums for specific instructions.


Resetting your Pokemon X save data provides an opportunity to start fresh and explore new gameplay possibilities. Whether you’re looking to try different strategies, embark on challenge runs, or simply rectify mistakes, following the steps outlined in this article will help you reset your game data on both Nintendo 3DS consoles and emulators. Enjoy the thrill of beginning your Pokemon X adventure anew!


  1. Will resetting Pokemon X delete my saved Pokemon?

No, resetting Pokemon X will delete your progress and saved game data, but it will not affect any Pokemon stored in the Pokemon Bank or transferred to other games.

  1. Can I reset Pokemon X multiple times?

Yes, you can reset Pokemon X as many times as you want. Each reset will erase your previous game data and allow you to start fresh.

  1. Will resetting Pokemon X change my in-game language or settings?

No, resetting Pokemon X will only reset your game progress. Language and other in-game settings will remain the same.

  1. Can I transfer Pokemon from my previous game to a newly reset Pokemon X?

Yes, you can transfer Pokemon from your previous game using Pokemon Bank or other transfer methods, even after resetting Pokemon X.

  1. Can I recover my previous game data after resetting Pokemon X?

No, once you reset Pokemon X, your previous game data will be permanently deleted. Make sure to create a backup if you wish to restore it later.

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